Episode 20: How Technology is Building Brands with Socrates Rosenfeld

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  Agrify Team


January 18, 2021


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    I Heart Jane

    Socrates Rosenfeld, CEO of Jane Technologies, Inc. joins Agrify’s VP & Head of Horticulture, David Kessler, on this episode of Agrify Live.

    Through data-driven approaches and analytics, cannabis brands are leveling up. Tune in for a discussion on the intersection of technology and branding, and how implementing the benefits of technology can help build your cannabis brand.

    Episode Highlights:

    • The I Heart Jane team hypothesized in 2015, that in 5 years the future of traditional retail will become digitized. They were right.
    • I Heart Jane connects patients and consumers with small businesses as an easy, affordable way to connect.
    • I Heart Jane is similar to Amazon in the way consumers search for products. It’s curated to the best fit allowing consumers to directly review photos or read descriptions from a brand or verified reviews.
    • I Heart Jane is different from Amazon because of the seller experience. I Heart Jane does not ship products by mail or have warehouses, they provide same day delivery and pickup to drive local commerce.
    • Before I Heart Jane, inventory was conducted manually, now sellers digitize inventory to prevent dirty data from reaching the menu.
    • ETL (extract transform load) integration takes dirty data in inventory and cleans it up to showcase the right product with the right photo, taxonomy, description and more.
    • I Heart Jane helps retailers do what they do best by stripping their need to hire menu maintenance workers because they handle the technology.
    • I Heart Jane educates consumers through recommendations and explanations of why they recommend the products based on ratios, cannabinoids, terpenes, etc. Their personal digitalization curates merchandise to individual consumers without limiting their discovery.
    • Cannabis is like music; two people may listen to the same song but feel differently about parts of the song. In comparison, two people may react differently to the same cannabis.
    • I Heart Jane lets retailers see how SKUs are performing, how to schedule, when customers come in, where the customer comes from, and other data to provide value.
    • I Heart Jane provides enterprise level solutions for large MSOs, but not at the expense of small businesses. They provide the same level of technology and information to level the playing field and let the best product or service emerge.

    Interested in learning how Agrify Insights™ software is being used to aid cannabis cultivators? Learn more here.

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