Episode 18: Making Hash | Strains, Trichomes, and Techniques with The Dank Duchess

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January 7, 2021


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    Making great hash

    On this episode, David Kessler is joined by The Dank Duchess, a Hashish Educator, Writer, and Cannabis Cultivator who was trained by Hash Master Frenchy Cannoli. Duchess has dedicated the last six years of her life educating hundreds of thousands of people via print, film, and social media about high quality hashish. She’s currently the managing editor for Skunk Magazine.

    They discussed cannabis strains, trichomes, and hash-making techniques. They also dived into why it’s so important to credit cannabis cultivators and how the decisions cultivators make impact the end product.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Hash at its simplest is a collection of trichomes that cover the cannabis plant. It is important to collect the resin in different forms when making hash.
    • Resin comes in different sizes and grades based on contamination, which is the plant matter that is stuck onto the resin.
    • Traditional dry sift is when resin is packed back and forth, refined, and cleaned.
    • Gland heads have an 8-bag system to see what is important in trichome head size.
    • Bags range for 25 microns (small) to 220 microns (big)
    • The middle bags (73, 90, 120) are the resin sweet spots and the best offering/collection.
    • Fresh/ frozen glands are when the gland nubs are flash frozen for less than two hours and capture resin at its peak with bright flavors and good melts. Because of the high, this is more popular among younger people.
    • Dried cure hash is stored in a cool room less than 62 degrees. Because the high is slower, it is more popular among order people.
    • Freeze dry is better than air dry because it is good for the hash to be stored in glass and lack oxygen.
    • Good hash is clean resin with no particulates, good hash includes height trichome, texture oil, and yield.
    • Giving credit to growers is important because they made the decisions that impact the end product (strain selection/harvest time) and the resin never lies.
    • The hash environment is important because humidity needs to be low between 35-45 and temperature needs to be 55 degrees or lower to minimize the variation of resin itself. For processing, the environment needs to be cool because resin changes with temp and has needs to be efficient.
    • It is important to press hash! Check out articles about this at thedankduchess.com or on social platforms @dankduchess.
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